Équanimité du sage:
«Par le charme de sa conversation, le Sage fait oublier aux siens les affres de la misère et les rend résignés. Par son ascendant moral, il fait oublier aux grands l’élévation de leur rang et les rend humbles. Il fraternise avec les petits, et converse avec les grands, donnant à chacun ce qu’il peut comprendre, et gardant le reste pour lui. Sans parler, il remplit son entourage de paix. Sans prêcher, il l’amende. Il ne dédaigne pas de demeurer par intervalles dans sa famille, pour y remplir son rôle de père et faire du bien aux siens. Simple, ferme, tranquille, il est étranger à toutes les préoccupations, et s’impose à tous. »
Ref: Zhuangzi 25.A (tr. Wieger)
But the sagely man, when he is left in obscurity, causes the members of his family to forget their poverty; and, when he gets forward to a position of influence, causes kings and dukes to forget their rank and emoluments, and transforms them to be humble. With the inferior creatures, he shares their pleasures, and they enjoy themselves the more; with other men, he rejoices in the fellowship of the Dao, and preserves it in himself. Therefore though he may not speak, he gives them to drink of the harmony (of his spirit). Standing in association with them, he transforms them till they become in their feeling towards him as sons with a father. His wish is to return to the solitude of his own mind, and this is the effect of his occasional intercourse with them. So far-reaching is his influence on the minds of men.
(Ref: Zhuangzi, tr. Legge)
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